Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
– Lau Tzu
In this episode, you’ll discover how you can perform at your absolute best so that you can hit the ground running and make 2017 your best year yet.
A lot of people talk about goal setting at this time of the year. It’s all well and good to set goals, but to reach those goals and be successful, you have to take massive amounts of well-executed action.
And to take massive amounts of action, you need to be able to perform at a high level, which requires a clear mind, energy and motivation — in other words, you need to be in a peak emotional state.
And in this episode I’m going to show you HOW you can do that.
So why is this important?
If you want to step up and be a great leader at work, be an effective team player, be seen as an authority, be a truly engaging speaker, etc — you must be in a good, strong and high emotional state. If you’re in a crappy emotional state, it’s going to be very difficult to get out there and kick butt at work or in your business.
So listen to this episode and I’ll take you through the 3 simple things I learned from Tony Robbins that you need to change if you want to perform at a peak state and create massive change in your life.
The 3 things you need to change:
- Physical state
- Language
- Focus
Physical state:
I’ve talked about power posing and body language numerous times on the podcast, and it’s all for a good reason. If your body is in a very negative, powerless position (think legs crossed, shoulders hunched over, head hung low), it’s impossible for your mind to be in a happy, powerful state.
Why? Because our body has the power to impact our mind.
Simply by changing your physical state to be strong, powerful and confident (think chin up, big smile, arms in the air, shoulders back — like a football player after kicking a goal), you can change your mindset to be the same.
Think about the language you use when you talk about yourself, and when you talk to yourself in your head. Do you say things like:
“You’re stupid/an idiot.”
“No-one will like you/talk to you/include you/say yes.”
“Why does this always happen to me?”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I was never good/pretty/smart/experienced enough anyway…”
When you use destructive language like this, it erodes away at your confidence and prevents you from taking action on the stuff you want. How are you going to ask for a raise, or sign up for a new exercise program, or write that book, or make a big request etc if you’re constantly talking yourself down?
So you MUST change your language if you want to perform at a high level.
Robbins says: “Where focus goes, energy flows.”
Think about what you focus on on a daily basis. Do you focus on what you have, or what you don’t have? Do you focus on what you want, or what you don’t want? Do you focus on who likes you, or you doesn’t like you? Do you focus on what you can control, or what you can’t control?
The latter in each question is going to disempower you, the former will empower you. Which one would you rather?
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