How often do think deeply about the work you do?
How much does it align with you? Does it bring you joy? Are there certain aspects of your work you just LOVE? And are there other aspects that seem to…drain you?
In this episode, you’re going to discover a way to uncover and do MORE of the work that truly resonates with you and brings you joy.
This is something I’ve been having many conversations about recently.
Being 33 years old, many of my peers are in their 30s and early 40s.
They have been in the workplace for at least a decade. On the outside, they seem successful. They are great at what they do, they have a fantastic role, they are paid well and they are well respected.
Yet…I am hearing more and more about how they are feeling unfulfilled, or very stressed and anxious, even to the point they burn out.
They might move to a new role or company, but it’s still the same. They think “I should be happy”, but something is…missing.
Have you ever felt this way?
According to author Gay Hendricks, this is the result of not living in your ‘Zone of Genius’.
I recently read his book The Big Leap (recommended to me by the wonderful Cliff Ravenscraft), and it opened my eyes to the reason why we aren’t fulfilled.
In the book, Hendricks writes that we have 4 zones in which we operate:
- Zone of incompetence – you suck at the task. Many people can do it better than you.
- Zone of competence – you can get by, but others do much better than you. People wouldn’t pay you to do it, though!
- Zone of excellence – you do it really well. You get great results without having to stretch yourself much, you are paid well for it.
- Zone of genius – You are AMAZING at it. When you’re in this Zone, work doesn’t feel like work. You are in flow. You feel fulfilled and happy when doing it.
According to Hendricks, your Zone of Genius is where we should aim to be. The more we can live in our zone of genius, the more happy and fulfilled we will be.
The problem is: most people are stuck in their Zone of Excellence.
Listen to the episode to learn WHY we get stuck in our Zone of Excellence, why it’s a problem, and HOW to explore and find your Zone of Genius.
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